Coarse Aggregate Initial Approval

The KCMMB requires all coarse aggregates be initially approved prior to use in KCMMB concrete. The following outlines the approval process and requirements:

  • A sample of the material must be provided to the Board’ Agent for Board review. The material must be easily distinguishable as a hard rock (non-limestone material). The material provided should be graded to meet the specification and should be the gradation that will be provided for KCMMB concrete. Half a five-gallon bucket is a sufficient amount of material.
  • The material must meet the requirements in the current specification for all chemical and physical properties. Current testing documentation shall be provided for all specification requirements.
  • All aspects of the specification must be met for approval.
  • Other documentation requirements include but are not limited to service records from state departments of transportation. These service records shall be from states that have similar climates to Kansas and Missouri. Only service records for concrete using the material will be accepted. Any testing data from the DOT’s should also be provided. The Board may request other information at their discretion.
  • Aggregate freeze-thaw testing shall be provided in the initial submittal.
  • The material must be from a large homogenous mass.
  • A 5-year history of testing data shall be provided for those items listed in the specification and for aggregate freeze-thaw. In lieu of this requirement testing data provided from two DOT’s and an independent testing agency shall be provided.
  • The KCMMB reserves the right to use their judgment, based on experience, or to select a third party, to make a final decision on approval of any material.  
  • Other information the Board considers valuable is if the materials are on a DOT prequalified materials list or included in a DOT specification for concrete mixes.

After initial approval, the coarse aggregate must meet the requirements outlined in the current specification each year.

All required information must be submitted a minimum of 30 days before the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board to be considered in that meeting. Submittals not meeting the 30-day requirement will be added to the agenda at the Agent's discretion. Incomplete submittals will not be reviewed by the Board

Care should be taken to communicate with the Agent before the deadline to address any questions regarding this document.  

The current KCMMB specification should be reviewed prior to submittal to verify material testing data meets the requirements of the specification.